The Communicate to CONNECT workshop is an essential cornerstone training workshop for increasing your connection effectiveness with all types of people. 

Many organizations focus on the transactional, hard skills they need to move them from good to great but that is only 15% of the equation when it comes to their people driving the overall organizational performance. 

“As risks have evolved in the day-to-day business environment, so too has the need for soft skills development, with a risk-focused mindset for flexibility, agility, and speed, to drive any measure of transformation efforts.”  HR Management Development Consultants

This training focuses specifically on the details connected to the communication skillset needed to make an impact on essential and meaningful human connections that drive individual performance which in turn directly impacts overall organizational performance.

The Communicate to CONNECT objective:

  • Increased Performance
  • Empowered Drive & Determination
  • More Competitive
  • More Positive & Optimistic
  • Greater Well-Being (content)
  • Greater Ambition & Confidence
  • Greater Commitment to Purpose
  • Growth Mindset Openness
  • Less Fear and Apprehension
  • More Ambitious & Manage More Risk



Communicate to CONNECT Workbook

A 36-page PDF workbook is provided to each participant with fill-in-the-blank pages for advanced cognitive learning.

Pre-print the book at your local print shop and have it spiral-bound for a professional resource book for future reference. 

 Coach Gord MacFarlane 

aka; Coach Cool: 

  • Master Trainer, Human Behavior Specialist
  • International Bestselling Author
  • Million-Dollar round table sales professional
  • Highly successful business entrepreneur
  • Proven championship athletic coach 

FULL PAYMENT 3-Hour Training

3-Hour Training (Zoom Platform)

$297 USD

Testimonial about Coach Gord

Gordo has helped me become more confident in my communication with people by knowing their unique personality and know what to focus on so I can have more meaningful conversations with them.

Gordo inspires me with his ability to reframe the issues and challenges surrounding our group and allows me to change my perspective to see the people challenges I often face as opportunities.

Knowledge is power and knowing and understanding the elements of behavior-based, performance mindset coaching with Gordo provides more knowledge about the athletes we lead and coach.  The most valuable bit of knowledge is knowing why people say and do the things they do, which helps me as a coach greatly.

Jason Lammers
Niagara University
Men's Division 1 Hockey Head Coach

FULL PAYMENT 3-Hour Training

3-Hour Training (Zoom platform)

$297 USD


Connect with Gordon MacFarlane 

Performance Mindset Coach


Download your FREE COPY NOW!

3 KEYS to developing the mindset of a World Class Athlete
Written by Gordon Macfarlane

  • How to communicate to connect (build strong bonds of trust through rapport to have relational synergy and performance success)
  • Discover your unique giftedness along with your athlete's unique giftedness (learn personal value proposition for the purpose of building faith, belief and confidence)
  • How to create and maintain ideal environments to enhance consistently strong performances (help athletes to feel celebrated to reach their limitless potential)
  • How to build and maintain the G.R.I.T. needed for performance and mental toughness.
  • How to develop and lead a strong performance culture of excellence.